Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prince Charles comes to Town

             The Tanzanian flag and the Union Jack were set up in front of Leganga school to welcome the Prince    (that's our beautiful Mt. Meru in the background)

He was 45 minutes late so we started to have our own fun by dancing around with our flags and taking pictures

These are some of my lovely class 6 students

Fancy welcome sign they put up for him

This is myself and head teacher, Minja on my left and another fellow teacher on my right. I love teacher Minja! I spend lots of time in her office grading papers and chatting with her. She calls me Bethaleen no matter how many times I tell her my name is Bethany.
A select group of students prepared a great song with some traditional dancing to do for the prince when he arrived. Their director was wearing ALL bright pink and I thought she looked pretty snazzy.

Finally, they came! Prince Charles and Camilla, surrounded by 20 different vehicles with sirens and many guards. It cracked me up how Camilla had her little umbrella out because she was only outside for all of 3 minutes before they entered the building...but I guess maybe she didn't want a sunburn...or the umbrella just went with her outfit.

                                                                          I felt kind of like a paparazzi for the first time in my life.
Some cute students welcoming them with flowers. 

As I was sprinting across the field to school on Monday, something was different. Instead of an empty field, It was full of desks and benches being scrubbed by hundreds of students. Kids were painting, scrubbing, cleaning, planting trees, you name it! Out of breath because I was already late for my first class, I quickly asked someone what was going on. "The Prince of England is coming on Wednesday!" he said. I didn't believe him, so I went to ask the head teacher of my school and sure enough, he was coming to visit Leganga Primary School and Kilimani. So instead of going to class, the students worked busily all day and the next to get the place looking  neat, tidy, and impressive for the prince. I'm still not sure of the reason he visited our school, but it was exciting nonetheless! He went inside to take a tour of the school, sign a book, and give a talk in one of the classrooms. I wish we had waited around to shake his hand and meet him after...just to say we did it, but unfortunately we left too early. I'm over it, though, and we had a great time that day!


  1. Wow, Prince Charles in Usa! That's pretty neat. Awesome experience for you and all the students to remember for many years! Love the pics and enjoyed the Camilla-umbrella story immensely! :D

  2. I still remebering how shoked I was when you told me they were coming! That's so awesome that the prince came to your school an I'd have to say that you did a very good job of being paparazzi! :) Great pics! Also I love that dress on you!

  3. What fun!!! I'd have loved to have been a little mouse in your pocket on that day... :-) The umbrella is hilarious, I must say. Maybe it completes the "princess look" for her... In any case, you got some great shots!!!

  4. Bethany--I love your blog! Thanks for documenting all the excitement and about your life! I really liked the Masaii photos too and glad to read that you are NOT a tourist!

  5. what fun it must have been to have this surprise!
    the photos are great and i know that feeling of wishing something had happened but then letting it go.
    i love to see your pictures of the little ones that ali talked about so much and still loves.
